Monday, March 12, 2007

MidTerm Lesson "Give Objects Life"

Lesson Title: Give Objects Life Grade level: 7th Teacher: Dolores Cuccovia
Setting: In the Classroom
Time frame: two class periods

Goal: When we put our possessions in a new context and use them in a non-traditional way, they are given a new meaning. The concept of this lesson is to creatively utilize what we carry with us everyday appreciating what we have available to create new definitions of the objects themselves. They will be practicing the idea of making “something out of nothing”.

Objective: Students will learn and practice the meaning of making the most of what they have available to them and learn the basics of stop animation.

Motivation: Students will be shown clips of stop animations involving objects as examples.

Discovery: Children will choose four possessions from their pockets and or backpacks which they will use to create a stop animation with a minimum length of one min to a maximmum of five minuits. Each child will have an animation booth equipped with a digital camera in place, two positioned lights, a computer, drafting table, markers, sharpies, and colored pencils.

Concept Introduction: I as the teacher will be giving a demonstration on a couple of different ways to go about this project. I will first take out my items and create a very short stop animation by shooting stills of the objects gradually grouping together until they form a sculpture. The second demonstration will include a brief sequence of events using the objects within the space. While students begin the process of this project, I will be going to each student ensuring they feel comfortable with the equipment and process.

Concept Application: Students will choose a booth to work in. They will choose four small personal possessions to work with. Examples of objects they may have are key chains, jewelry, pens, cell phones, and or paper. Students will then be asked to write what each object means to them or reminds them of. They will also be asked to make connections between the objects noting similarities in function, aesthetics, and or personal value. They have the option of creating a short story using the information they’ve gathered. This story could be a narrative movement between the objects or simply objects being rearranged within the space in an interesting manner such as a particular pattern. The purpose of the note taking will function as mental practices for the students to help formulate their ideas.

Time Frame: Day 1
Presentation of stop animation clips using objects 10 min
Directions/ explanation of project 5 min
Demonstration on use of equipment and examples of how to do project: 10 min
Students will go to assigned stations 5 min
Students will begin with assignment 15 min

Time Frame: Day 2
Students continue to develop animation 30 min
Critique 15 min can be extended into next day depending on how many students in class

Strategies for Assessment Identified: The finished product will act as proof they successfully fulfilled the activities purpose.

Materials: individualized animation working booths equipped with a camera on tripod, computer and working table. Paper, fabric, and markers will be available for creating background, 4 chosen available possessions.

Evaluation: Each animation will be viewed on a projection in front of the class. After each project is shown, every student will be asked to say one word the animation reminds him or her of. A short discussion will follow. I as the teacher will intervene when necessary posing questions about the work and process.


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