Monday, March 19, 2007

A Whole New Mind

I think there are certain expectations required for teachers of the Conceptual age. Throughlines are one of them. It's important for these teachers to use such big idea questions to keep thier minds open to more and more questions. Teachers must also be able to notice patterns and relationships between things and also have the ability to identify with the big picture.
My strength senses are empath, play, and symphony. I could use a little work on meaning from time to time. Story and design could definatly use improvement. I definitly agree with his take on the importance of laughter and play. I am a huge fan of both and enjoy the fact that the writer puts so much emphasis on that. I agree with his statement, "When you depend on something else to make you laugh, the laughter doesn't belong to you.
The section on empathy was interesting to me and made me think of the roles of doctors in a new light. Prior to reading this book, it didn't really occure to me that doctors are basically taught to be robotic in the way the retain and recite factual information so much, they may forget they are dealing with actual people. It was a pleasant suprise for me to read his suggestion to easedrop on people and guess what they look like. I have actually done that before and it's really interesting how wrong you can be. I really enjoy that game. I think it's humbling. I enjoyed this book but also got the impression that he hyped up right brainers so much, It gave me the impression he thinks the right brained are "better" than those who use the left. I could be wrong about that but that's just the impression I got. But overall I thought the book had a lot of interesting points. I enjoyed the playful websites he lists througout the book. I tried out the "fake or genuine smile test". I enjoyed it. I got 14 out of 20 correct... not so bad.


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