Identity Project

The word adaptation comes to mind when I think of identity. I'm interested in how humans and living things adapt to situations in order to survive. I was thinking of portraying this in a performative medium. One idea I have specifically is acting out an every day activity such as writing for instance while contorted in a small space such as a box for example. The function of the box would be to shape a confined space. There would be no significance to the actual material of it. The confined space would symbolize the discomfort life has to offer from time to time. Sometimes the weight of life can cramp us but we still have to keep going and appear as comfortable as possible for social purposes. The new media aspect would be involved withe the documentation of it.
Identity comes in many forms. How we identify ourselves can be completely different and often times is than another's interpretation. I was thinking I could have a loop of a projection consisting of images reflecting my own interpretation of myself as well as how I think others percieve me. The images would be projected onto me. I was thinking of also adding spoken word to define the concept further.
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