Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Final Performance "Adaptation"

Lots to think about.. I just fine tuned my idea and feel much better about it thanks to teacher's help. My piece will be performative. It will involve a box, myself, and a projection, possibly spoken word. My concept is adaptation. I think its amazing how humans and other life forms are able to adjust and survive through extreme situations emotionally as well as physically. Often times when one thinks they wouldn't be able to survive through a hardship like the loss of a loved one or an unexpected pregnancy, more often than not, they push through. I was thinking of portraying this idea by using a box just large enough to fit my body into. The box would be a symbol of my personal situation/environment. My being in the box will be my restriction to my environment. There may be a projection on the outside of the box as well as in it. I may enter this space, having the projection onto me showing I am emersed in a situation. I would chose movements/ activities to do within the boxes space. Although it may seem as I should be uncomfortable performing these tasks, I will perform it as though I am functioning normally. My normal seeming reaction to the space will signify how we have to perform a certain identity in every day life. We often put off as though we are more ok than we are in order to function socially. If we cried in public everytime we were upset, people would be really uncomfortable with that instability. And we would probably have no friends. I'm sure there will be changes to come with this proposal. This is the base I have to work off of for now. The next step is to search for imagry that will lead the form.


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