Fine Tuning the Identity project

I've been trying to channel all my thoughts into basic ideas and I think I'm closer now. I think I'm going to portray 3 different aspects of identity. I think I'm going to have a projection of my face inside the box or my whole body in the box's space. That will be me within myself. That will be the first section of the performance. My transition from that to coming out of the box will signify my adaptation to the outside world/ social survival. No one is truly themselves when others are around. We adapt to one another. For instance, if we are going through a personal hardship within ourselves we can't be completely forward with how we're feeling to the rest of the world. The last part of the performance will be how others see me. Originally I was going to portray how I think other's see me but I think it overlaps too much with how I perceive myself so.. I will basically leave the last part up to the audience to decide. These are the bones to my piece. It will continue to change and grow.