Saturday, May 5, 2007

Reaction to Emily's Final

Description of the work: Emily's video was aesthetically pleasing. The angle of the canvas she painted on was enjoyable because it was easy to view and it allowed for a view of the background which showed had peers entering in and out of the frame as she painted. I would've liked to have not seen her paintings prior to watching the video so I could have a sense of wonder before actually seeing the end product. Emily's choice of video was appropriate since she wanted us to see the evolution of the paintings. The editing was well done and the video had an overall lighthearted mood which I enjoyed.

What drew you to the work?: I enjoyed how Emily chose to bring us into her personal studio space. Her choice of space was one aspect that drew me into the work. The fact that she was energetic and honest in her presentation of the work also enguaged me. The clarity of her explanation in addition to her confidence made it easy for me to focus on what she was saying rather than how she was saying it. In other words good teaching peformance.

What distracted you? One thing that distracted me was the condition of the wall the video was projected on. A white cloth over that section would have made the video much cleaner to view. Another distraction was the confined space in which we were standing to view the piece. I understand a studio space is really difficult to set up for spectators. I'm wondering if it would have been easier for the class to view if it was projected onto a small screen in front of the window so everyone could stand just outside her specific space.

BIg Ideas: The concept of our reaction to our environment as a part of our identity. She focused on the relationship between our perception of our environment and how we deal with it.

My Interperetation of the work and presentation: I interpereted Emily's concept as a thoughtful and proactive approach to teaching art.

Did you connect with the work/presentation: I connected with it because I'm interested in art therapy and I also tend to force myself to do things I'm afraid of which I think is a great way to grow as a human.

Implications for teaching, learning or art making you draw from the work/presentation? Yes. Emily was thourough in her thoughts on applying this project to future lesson plans.


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